300gm Xtra Body Power Powder

=-Imported From Usa | Product Size 1 Pack – Available In All Cities Pakistan


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300gm Xtra Body Power Powder

300gm Xtra Body Power uses a perfect blend of protein (Soya protein powder)and rare herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit&Shatavari to support protein synthesis and lean muscle mass gains. This blend helps in body development, increases stamina, and builds muscles. It is highly recommended for Athletes, bodybuilders, weight lifters & growing children. It helps to build resistance against illness & prevent muscle fatigue during intense training workouts and to increase muscle strength.

Safety Information:

Not recommended for Diabetes.


To increase the energy and Muscles


Soyabeen, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Amla, Shudh Shilajeet, Sugar and Milk Powder


To make a delicious creamy glass of body best add three heaped tablespoons (approx 50 gms)in one glass of milk & stir. Mixing will be easier with a blender.


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